Get Your Numbers Right



Determines whether a value or text string can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions, with up to 32,767 significant digits of precision. Recognizes negatives, the local thousands separators (commas in English), exponential notation, and the local currency symbol.

Returns TRUE if input can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions; returns FALSE if not.



num Required. The value or text string to determine whether it can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions.



Formula Description Result
=xlpISNUMBER(5) Determines whether 5 can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions TRUE
=xlpISNUMBER("123456789123456789123456789") Determines whether "123456789123456789123456789" can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions TRUE
=xlpISNUMBER("-1,234,567,891,234,567,891,234.56789") Determines whether "-1,234,567,891,234,567,891,234.56789" can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions TRUE
(In locales where the thousands separator is a comma, such as English.)

(In locales where the thousands separator is not a comma, such as French and German, in which case spaces instead of commas would be recognized in French, or periods in German.)

=xlpISNUMBER(1.234567890123456789012345E+12345) Determines whether "1.234567890123456789012345E+12345" can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions TRUE
(Recognized as a number in exponential notation -- 1.234567890123456789012345 to 12345 power.)
=xlpISNUMBER("$10") Determines whether "$10" can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions TRUE
(In locales where the currency symbol is "$".)

(In locales where the currency symbol is not "$".)

=xlpISNUMBER("1.1.1") Determines whether "1.1.1" can be evaluated as a number by xlPrecision functions FALSE
(Too many decimal characters.)